Tuesday, February 17, 2009

All hail the garden

Yesterday's actuals: 46/54, 0.74 inches rain and a sprinkling of hail

Um, it hailed yesterday. This I did not expect. I have now almost completely lost hope than anything is going to grow in the cool crop box on the roof which I have been leaving exposed. It has been 8 days since I seeded it and ain't nothing happening in there that I can see.

Indoors, the hail was just good entertainment on a slow afternoon. Everything's growing a little bit every day though the serrano chiles are still deciding if they want to play or not. And the spearmint is growing pretty slowly - the little green specks are still just speck-sized.*

I'm not sure how aggressively to pinch the flowers off the strawberries. As soon as it is obvious that it is a flower and not just more leaves? Or should I wait until it is fully opened and then pinch it off?

Zucchinis indoors and outdoors not dead yet and appear to even be growing.

*Writing the word "speck" just brought back a vivid memory of Pee Wee's Big Adventure where his dog is named Speck. Yes, definitely haven't thought about that in a while.

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