Thursday, February 12, 2009

Indoor seeds sloooooowly sprouting

Yesterday's weather actuals: 43/54, 0.08 in rain

On the roof, I installed a windguard on the railing for the cool crop box but I am concerned that the satellite dishes are shading the plot too much so I might enlist an able bodied man to help me move it to a sunnier spot. The warm crop box is nice and warm and the plastic cloche seems to be working well. I need to re-make the cold weather cloche to protect against this heavy rain we seem to be about to get more of.

Indoors, the basil continues to be sprouty, and there are a few small chive sprouts poking up as well. The zucchini is visible starting to sprout but hasn't quite emerged yet. The yellow pear tomato also has one itty bitty sprout that came out just today and one of the other tomatoes has a potentially sproutlike thing poking up but it is a little fuzzy. Unclear. Other than that, not much activity. Grow grow grow plants!

Pinched another white flower off the seascape strawberries.

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