Monday, February 23, 2009

Now I've killed the cilantro, too

Weekend actuals:
Friday: 50/63, 0 precip
Saturday: 51/64, 0 precip
Sunday: 54/58, 1.2 inches rain

Serrano chile seedling is in the game! I'm taking odds on how long it lasts.

Zucchini on the roof appear even more traumatized than people who watched the entire academy awards pre-show and show last night. Pretty much zero growth since I put them out there.

I tried to separate the cilantro seedlings: planted two in with the onions on the roof, replanted the other two in the little pot. In the process of trying to disentangle the roots of the four individual sprouts I got them pretty much completely naked. I suspect they did not like this. They are transplanted in next to the also traumatized zucchini so perhaps they will share their horrific experiences and this plant group therapy will help them all recover and grow. In the mean time, I'm going to plant some new cilantro seeds.

In other news, it is so windy today that as I sit here on the couch I half expect to see the garden go zipping past the window and fly off into the distance. Man, I don't know what but that big bad wolf sure is going after something!

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