Thursday, February 19, 2009

Planted beans and onions outdoors, and intercropped some lettuces

Yesterday's actuals: 43/57, no precipitation

It's sunny today! (and it was most of yesterday too)

I remain thrilled and amazed that things are sprouting up on the roof. I am a little perplexed matching up what is what since we moved the container and I'm not sure which way it ended up finally. Well...should be clear soon when the veggies are bigger than dippin dots.

Indoors everything continues to grow. The little seedlings are so sensitive to the sun that they will be leaning all the way toward the window but the end of the day. I've been rotating the pots each day so they grow back the other way the next day and don't end up totally skewed, which sometimes feels kind of mean. But I think it is for their own good.

I planted some lettuce in the warm crop box where the tomatoes will eventually go. As I get organized, I am getting more clever about staggering the timing and what can go where when. The lettuce should be grown and well-harvested by the time the tomato transplants are ready to move into their outdoors home.

Planted outdoors in warm crop box:
Prizehead lettuce
Mesclun lettuce - Q's special medley
Pole beans
Bunching onions

The soil was pretty dried out so I had to water it a lot to get it looking thoroughly moist.

The zucchinis are growing much faster indoors than they are out of doors. It will be neat to compare the progress over the next few months and see who wins.

I also (finally) read the full instructions for serrano chiles and it seems that if their nighttime temperature gets below 60 degrees then they will not produce chiles. So, assuming that little guy ever even sprouts, he will not be allowed to play on the roof and will instead lead a life of isolation indoors on the windowsill. Sorry, man. This just ain't your climate.

I'm setting up a master plan for the garden in excel and in my calendar so that when I start work I don't miss critical milestones. Yesterday I also build a more durable frame and cover so that it isn't just plastic haphazardly draped over the box. The only remaining "structural" work is setting up the trellis but I'm going to wait until there is something that requires it before putting it up.

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